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At Nyth y Deryn, we fully embrace the Curriculum for Wales, delivering all areas of learning through a concept-based approach. Our learners are placed in small, consistent teaching groups across the curriculum to ensure a cohesive and supportive learning experience. We are dedicated to helping all learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed in employment, lifelong learning, and active citizenship.

Our Commitment to the Four Purposes

We structure our learning opportunities around the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales. In doing so, we:

  • Set high expectations for all students.

  • Promote both individual and national priorities.

  • Tackle ignorance and misinformation.

  • Encourage critical thinking and civic engagement.

Our curriculum is not just about what we teach, but how we teach it—and, most importantly, why we teach it. It is at the very heart of our approach to education.

Core Subjects: Language, Literacy, Communication, and Maths

To ensure our learners make strong academic progress, we offer focused daily sessions in Language, Literacy & Communication, and Maths & Numeracy. These sessions are delivered both in small teaching groups and through one-to-one support, tailored to each learner's individual needs. In addition, we identify and address gaps in learning through personalized learning programmes.

Personal Growth Programme

To complement our academic curriculum, we also offer a Personal Growth programme. This allows learners to target specific life skills and experiences, empowering them to take ownership of their learning. Students select the focus of their growth, and they work towards completing badges to demonstrate their progress and achievements.

At Nyth y Deryn, we are committed to fostering an environment where learners are equipped with both the academic knowledge and personal development they need to thrive in the future.

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