All staff at our school are fully trained in the Team Teach approach to managing challenging behaviour. This training equips staff with a comprehensive range of de-escalation strategies designed to diffuse difficult situations and ensure the safety of both learners and staff.
While we prioritise de-escalation, in rare cases, a learner’s behaviour may pose a risk to the health and safety of themselves or others. In these instances, positive handling may be used as a last resort, and parents or carers will be promptly notified. Our staff adhere to strict guidelines when recording and reporting any positive handling interventions.
As a general rule, positive handling is always our final option. Before resorting to this, we implement a variety of de-escalation techniques, including:
Giving clear, positive directions
Using praise to reinforce good choices
Encouraging compliance with a confident, positive approach
Offering choices to empower learners
Redirecting or "swerving" arguments
Demonstrating care and understanding
Being aware of personal responses to potential threats
Providing pastoral support
Introducing a change of staff or approach (Change of face)
These strategies are part of our commitment to creating a supportive, safe, and positive environment for all learners.