Goodness Gracious, Gwendolyn - An Uplifting Story



What do you get when you take a long-term hospital learner, James, with a passion for Marvel superheroes who decides he wants to give something back to the staff who helped to make him better? The answer: a children’s picture book.

James’s determination to write this book, even when he wasn’t well, is testament to his strength and courage. He really is remarkable, and he approached this project with joy and positivity. The result of his hard work is an uplifting story that will take readers on an emotional journey which reinforces the message that it’s ok to be different.

Gwendolyn proved to be the perfect superhero for James’s book: an unassuming giraffe born with red and blue splodges instead of the normal brown markings. She only ever wanted to be accepted and liked but she is rejected by the other giraffes, leaving her feeling lonely and isolated. Little did Gwendolyn or the other giraffes know about her superpower until it was unexpectedly revealed with spectacular effect.

James’s vision for the illustrations of Gwendolyn and the other characters is being brought to life by another talented Coed y Deryn learner, Mia Harris-Jones, who has always dreamed of being a published illustrator. It will be exciting to see the work of these two young people come together.

It is James’s wish that all the money from the sale of the book is donated to the Noah’s Ark charity to enable them to continue their amazing work, supporting other children like him.

Gwendolyn’s adventure, entitled ‘Goodness Gracious, Gwendolyn’ (by James Hughes) will be published in Welsh and English. We’ll keep you posted on the publication date so you can discover for yourselves how Gwendolyn goes from zero to hero!

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